Thursday, November 23, 2006

Being a Leader

Being a Leader is not something we are at merely planned or specifics times or events. It is not how we act at work, a coach of our son's baseball team, and as a "Leader" at church. And, at home!

Being a Leader is what we are during the combination of each of these and the rest of our daily lives. Leading is INFLUENCING.

Of course, the "type" of Leader we are in each area is different all together. Most of us have been taught, by example and by training, to act (Lead) differently as we move from one agenda to another. Even to the extent of how we order fast food, discuss an engine problem with a mechanic, or challenge our child's unfair algebra grade....we are Leading.

In all of this, exchange the word "Lead" for "Influence."

Consider this amazing concept as you go about your day. Does it change how you act and react?



Anonymous said...

I may well be missing something in your message, but have to say that this is very preposterous for you to say that we are leaders. I deal with people everyday that are not leaders. Many barely do their job well and are for sure not leaders!

DannyLSmith said...

Doug: good comment and concern.

To save an argument though, make note of how much you 1. influence others and 2. are influenced by others the next few days. No doubt both happen.

Having said that, our discussion becomes whether or not the definition of Leading is "influencing."

As you said, you deal with people who don't do their jobs well. Others stuggle. Don't you agree they influence you in some way? Even "lead" you to have issues with them, or gossip?

Again, consider this concept over the next few days and let us know what you think.


Anonymous said...

Those that don't do well or just get by are still influencing, whether it is good or bad.

Optimistic view: They are influencing you to not be like them, in turn they are leading you to be a better person/worker.

Pessimistic view: They influence you to talk about them behind their back about what a poor job they are doing, in turn causing you to gossip.

I believe that it is our choice how we let others influence/lead us. We all make our own decisions good/bad, positive/negative. Even my 2 year old knows this, but she is also learning that there are consequences for her decisions. All that I can pray is that I lead my children (through example) in the right direction.

You can even lead by doing the right thing after you have made a mistake, just by simply learning and sharing so that you and others don't make that same mistake again.

It's your decision, what are you going to choose?

Anonymous said...

Great comment. Though it can be a daily struggle to not "gossip" about those that a negatively influencing us. I suppose I just have to remember that I become just like the person doing the poor job when I complain to others and haven't talked to the poor performer.

SunTzu said...

I can understand why someone would feel weary to be "aloud to communicate." We have managers roaming around the office to make sure that we are sitting at our desks doing our work, nothing else. Most people, other then those that have the managerial positions, or just dont know what is going on, are scared they might get in trouble if they are doing anything other then sitting at their desk with their noses glued to the screen.

You have managers that abuse their authority. From what I understand, the company is trying to eliminate gossip and drama, yet the managers are some of the main contributers to the problem.

I feel like my job is on the line just for saying what I am saying in this discussion!

SunTzu said...

I can agree with you SunTzu, it can be rough having such close supervision. I myself, do not enjoy having the close, direct supervision, but in most cases it is necessary.

You're right, Danny, Woody, and others are trying to lead this company to be the best it can be, and to glorify God in the process and outcome.

I very wise person told me once, that we are payed to go to work everyday, and DO OUR JOB. Nothing else! And, its true. We are payed to do our job, forget about my opinion on the way things should be run around here, forget about gossipping about why "so and so" really resigned, forget about all the crap that I should not be talking about at work.

Recently Danny has given us these projects/discussion boards, and blogs for us to communicate with eachother. I dont think you should be scared to lose your job just for giving your opinion on a discussion that you were told do give your opinion on.

The big boys of this company want its employees to have fun at work, doing WORK that they enjoy.

DannyLSmith said...

It seems we have two SunTzu's!

JesseBrookshire said...

Two SunTzu's it is!

JesseBrookshire said...

I like what both of them are saying, now we can have some real discussion!

SunTzu said...

Danny, what do you think about my comment and the other SunTzu?

Cameaux said...

I think that the idea of "leading" is so much stronger than merely "influencing". I am PROUD to lead. It's astounding to think about the sheer number of people I influence in ALL aspects of my life, whether it's the music I listen to, share, or recommend, OR the way that I learn to adjust, take control of a situation, mediate issues to achive higher greatness. All of the things I do to lead are out of desire to succeed myself, or to let someone else feel what it's like to have some success of their own. I thrive on seeing someone have their own moments of "eureka". Very much like watching someone open a gift you buy for them, knowing it's PERFECT!

So Lead On, and be PROUD doing it! It has made me a stronger person in all aspects of my life! I hope it does the same for others!

Cameaux said...

Throughout his political career, Lincoln lost a local legislative race, three congressional races and two senatorial races, and failed to become vice president before he was elected president of the United States.

Today, Lincoln is regarded as one of the most influential figures in American history for his role in saving the Union, freeing the slaves, and presiding over the second founding of the United States.

sales lesson:
Lincoln's persistence and extra degree of effort changed the course of history. What could yours do?