Yes, there is a difference.
Mentoring: where there is a mutual relationship with an intentional agenda to convey specific content along with life wisdom from one individual to another. (Howard Hendricks, The Elements of Mentoring)
Coaching/Training: an advising relationship in which an expert walks alongside another individual through a process or set of decisions and/or disciplines. (in part Howard Hendricks, The Elements of Mentoring)
Tutoring: one-on-one private individual instruction that is customized to meet specific needs
Managing: a hierarchal relationship in which in which the senior person handles, directs, governs, or controls the people and processes on an orginization despite hardship and difficulties
Leading: influencing others at all times; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, in part through mentoring, training, discipling (if Christian), tutoring, and/or coaching
Too many of us limit our belief of Leading to speaking at a seminar, leading a class/small group, "managing" people, etc. Yes, while Leading will often include one or more of these areas, we've been wrongly trained that to Lead we have to be in a position of recognized authority; out in front; respected. We've been taught that Leading is specific to a time or place.
Whereas mentoring, training, tutoring, coaching, and managing have specific time sets, Leading is continuous, all encompassing.
Randy Pennington, in his excellent book, RESULTS RULES!, does a great job emphasizing the importance of results; good or bad.
In the process of hearing Mr. Pennington speak recently, reading his book, and reflecting on what all he has to say, I've realized how LEADING RULES! also.
Good or bad, you and I are LEADING every hour, of every day...and that RULES! who we are and how people react to us.
One of my life disciplines the past 16+ years is..."I will be the same 5 years from today, as I am today, except for what I listen to, what I watch, the books I read, and the people with whom I associate."
Well, I've added another factor... ....."and how well I Lead."
Thursday, November 23, 2006
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1 comment:
I have to say Danny that I totally agree with the concept that you are discussing in leading is a 24/7 365 deal. People don't realize that they can do so much with whatever attitude that they bring to the table everyday. I am a sports nut and I thoroughly enjoy watching college sports more specifically to watch young people grow and develop into superstars. In doing so it is amazing to watch sometimes the youngest player of a team and sometimes a non scholarship athlete become the leader/heartbeat of a team during crunchtime.
My point is what attitude do you bring during crunchtime? You either are going to figure out how to make things happen or figure out how to avoid something and say it isn't my job...
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